Developer’s corner#


Ensure the needed dependencies are installed in poetry:

poetry install --with test,dev

Package installation (poetry + pip3)#


This section presents two ways to (re)install the package.

  • As a normal user: this is the clean approach. But as the runnables are deployed in ~/.local/bin, you have to update your PATH environment variable. To do so, you should to update your PATH by adding in the end of your ~/.bashrc``file the following statement, and then restart your``bash`:

export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin
  • As root: as the runnables in /usr/local/bin, you don’t have to update your variable environment variable.

Full installation#

The first time you install the package, just run one of the following commands.

  • As a normal user:

poetry build
pip3 install dist/*whl
  • As root:

poetry build
sudo pip3 install dist/*whl

Full reinstallation#

As the package is already install, pip3 may decide to not redeploy the package. Just use the --force-reinstall option. Note that pip3 will check the package dependencies. This is slow, but required if you have modified the dependencies (in pyproject.toml).

  • As a normal user:

poetry build
pip3 install dist/*whl --force-reinstall
  • As root:

poetry build
sudo pip3 install dist/*whl --break-system-packages --force-reinstall

Fast reinstallation#

Most of time, the dependencies are already deployed and you just want to redeploy the package without checking anything. To do so, use the --no-deps option as follows.

  • As a normal user:

poetry build
pip3 install dist/*whl --force-reinstall --no-deps
  • As root:

poetry build
sudo pip3 install dist/*whl --break-system-packages --force-reinstall --no-deps

Project dependencies (poetry)#

Changing the project dependencies#

Open the pyproject.toml file and add the needed package in the [tool.poetry.dependencies] block. Then, run:

poetry check
poetry install
poetry lock

Do not forget to commit and push the updated poetry.lock.

Analyzing the project depencies#

To analyze what is install by poetry install, you could run:

poetry show --tree

If you want to check a group optional dependencies (say --with docs), run:

poetry show --tree --with docs

You could check the dependencies of your wheels thanks to pkginfo:

pkginfo -f requires_dist dist/*whl

Tests suite (pytest)#

To launch the test suite, run:

poetry run pytest

Tests coverage (coverage)#

Note: You can safely ignore this section as it is unapplicable. Indeed, due to opencv, coverage run -m pytest cannot produce a good report and so you cannot compute the coverage

To evaluate the test coverage, run:

poetry run coverage run -m pytest
poetry run coverage xml
  • Else, with tox:

    • The versions of python that are tested are listed in tox.ini.

    • To run the tests, run:

tox -e py

Linter (flake8)#

Basic checks#

To check the quality of the code, use flake8:

poetry run flake8 src/ tests/

CI checks#

The following command reproduce what is done by the continuous integartion (CI) script (see .gitlab-ci.yml). Ensure that the following commands successfully pass before running git push.

# Stops the build if there are Python syntax errors or undefined names
poetry run flake8 src/ tests/ --count --select=E9,F63,F7,F82 --show-source --statistics
# exit-zero treats all errors as warnings. The GitHub editor is 127 chars wide
poetry run flake8 src/ tests/ --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --max-line-length=127 --statistics

Documentation (sphinx)#


Ensure that all the needed dependencies are intalled in poetry:

poetry install --with docs

With make#

poetry run make docs

Without make#

poetry run sphinx-apidoc -f -o docs/ src/
poetry run sphinx-build -b html docs/ docs/_build

Publishing a release#


  1. Create a token in Pypi.

  2. Configure this token in your GitHub repository (in the settings tab)

  • PYPI_USERNAME: __token__

  • PYPI_TOKEN: pypi-xxxxxxxxxxxx

  1. Configure this token in poetry so that you can use poetry publish in the future

poetry config pypi-token.pypi pypi-xxxxxxxxxxxx

New release#

  1. Update the changelog, then add and commit this change:

git add
git commit -m "Updated"
  1. Increase the version number using bumpversion:

bumpversion patch # Possible values major / minor / patch
git push
git push --tags
  1. Optionnally, in GitHub, create a release for the tag you have created.

It publishes the package to PyPI (see .github/workflows/publish_on_pypi.yml). Alternatively, you could run:

poetry publish